Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme

How to Update A Premium WordPress Theme to the Latest Version?

Dear all of our customers,

We are excited to share with you an easy and efficient way to update any premium WordPress themes that you have purchased from Envato Market, including any themes you have bought from us. To update your themes with just one click, please follow the four steps below:

1/ Go to this page and download Envato Market WordPress PluginOnce you have downloaded the plugin, install and activate it. You can find a detailed guide on how to download and install this plugin on the same page:

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2/ After installing the Envato Market plugin, link the plugin with your Envato account to enable updates. To do this, go to the Envato Market tab in the left sidebar of your WordPress admin panel, then open the Settings tab:

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3/ Follow the “Getting Started (Simple)” steps to connect your Envato account and receive updates:

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4/ After updating the theme, open Appearance > Install Plugins > click on "Update Available" and update any plugins that come with new updates.

If you do not see the "Update Available" tab when you go to Appearance > Install Plugins, it means that the update does not come with any plugin updates, and you can ignore this step:

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That's it! Thank you for choosing our themes.

Best Regards,
