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  Public Ticket #1264959
Update while using a child theme


  •  1
    bicyclejunkies started the conversation


    I would love to update to Soledad 4.0, and I was kind of hoping for a 'one-click-theme-update', would that be possible for next update maybe? ;)

    Ok, well, for now, here's my question:

    This is what you say:

    "If you’ve modified any of the theme files yourself, you’ll need to note these changes in order to re-implement them once you’ve installed the latest version of the theme. The update will replace your previous version’s theme files and all modified will lose. All customizer data, posts, pages, widgets... doesn't affect when you update this theme."

    > I haven't changed any files, but only used the customizer and some custom css

    > All done using a child theme

    How do I proceed when I use a child theme? Do I also delete the child theme?

    Thanks, Ellen

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Because Soledad is a premium wordpress theme and have some issues about the security, so for now we didn't give auto update.

    2/ Don't worries, all your customize data and custom css added via Customize > Custom CSS doesn't affect when you update this theme.

    3/ If you're using child theme you just need to update parent theme, please do following steps:

    a) Remove old parent theme, upload latest version 4.0 of parent theme.

    b) Remove old Penci's plugins and re-install it via Appearance > Install Plugins

    c) Active again child theme.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    bicyclejunkies replied

    Thanks Penci for explaining the additional steps!

    I will try it later today.


  •  1
    bicyclejunkies replied

    Yes, updated the theme and followed your steps. So far, I think everything works fine!

    Thanks, Ellen

    (I don't know how to close a ticket, but this issue has been resolved)