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  Public Ticket #1265096
social media issues


  •   Paul started the conversation
  •  1
    cyclopsje replied

    Was looking at your question and everybody can see your login Oo. I would change your password if I was you!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi Paul,

    I just make your ticket to "Private". In next time, please don't show your admin information in publish ticket - let's use Private ticket.

    1/ Please install & activate plugin Yoast SEO.

    After installed this plugin, go to admin page > SEO > Social > click to "Facebook" tab > make sure "Add Open Graph meta data" is enabled.

    2/ Please go to Customize > Social Media Options > fill any social media options you have here - like the facebook social working now.

    If have any social media you don't need, let it blank.

    3/ Please check options for it in Customize > Single Options.

    Best Regards,
