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  Public Ticket #1269675
Tag Cloud Widget


  • stevenemerson started the conversation

    Hi guys, love the theme, some amazing work.

    Is there any way to exclude specific tags from the Tag Cloud widget?

    Something like this, but I noticed there is no 'exclude' by tag ID field in the Soledata theme's Tag Cloud widget.

    I have tried some other tag cloud widget plugins and they're all quite bad and certainly don't have the nice look of the built in Soledad one.

    Many thanks


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    For now, Soledad theme doesn't support this feature from Tag Cloud widget itself.

    You can do that by add more this code at the end of functions.php file - like on this image

    add_filter( 'widget_tag_cloud_args', 'penci_exclude_tag_from_tag_cloud');
    function penci_exclude_tag_from_tag_cloud( $args ) {
      $args[ 'exclude' ] = '21'; // ID of the tag. If multiple tags use comma delimited sting '2,5,36'
      return $args;

    With '21' is your tag ID - If you want to exclude multiple tags, use comma delimited string. Example: '2,5,36'

    Best Regards,
