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  Public Ticket #1285117
Update Details


  • SBpov started the conversation


    When a new theme update is released, where can I see the list of changes that are happening with the new update - just so I'm aware of them before downloading.

    I just updated to Soledad version 4 and noticed the slider post titles changed from white background to black background and Featured Posts widget is now showing numbers. 

    How can I change these back to how they were originally cos I was happy with my site as it was.

    Thank you!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ You can check it here:

    2/ About the slider, you can change it via Customize > Colors for Featured Slider.

    3/ You can hide order number via Appearance > Widget > click to edit widget "Soledad Popular Posts" > and check to "Hide Order Numbers"

    4/ If you want to go back, please use backup feature from your hosting or contact with your hosting provider to help you backup it help you.

    Best Regards,


  • SBpov replied

    Thank you so much! No I don't need to go back, I just wasn't sure where the change log was so I'm aware of all the changes. I'll customize the colors/numbers as you suggested. Thanks again!