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  Public Ticket #1285470


  • Tamara Rahoumi started the conversation


    I recently wrote regarding setting up a horizontal email capture in the middle of my blog and you noted that wasn't possible at the moment. I did have another question though regarding my layout – is there anyway that I can use Visual Composer to edit my homepage? When I go into VC on the backend of my Wordpress site, I can't seem to figure out how to use it with the Penci elements. I'm wondering if the two aren't compatible? I've just used VC a lot with other themes in the past to customize different blocks on the site and was hoping I could do that with the elements from Penci. Thanks!!



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, of course you can.

    Please check this video tutorial - you will know how to do that.

    Best Regards,


  • Tamara Rahoumi replied

    Oh perfect, thank you! Just one more thing though: how come when I set up the latest posts section of a custom VC homepage using the "mixed posts" layout, the rows of posts following the one large post are messed up? It should be one large, three small, one large, three small, etc. It works perfectly fine when I edit it as a regular homepage without VC, but when I set up my own page to use as a static homepage and build with the function, it seems offset for some reason. See attached images for reference. 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please try do following this image to fixed it.

    We will checked about this issues and if it's issues about our theme, we will fixed it in the next update version of Soledad.

    Hope this help,

    Best Regards,


  • Tamara Rahoumi replied

    That worked! Thanks so much!