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  Public Ticket #1291913
Menu layout problem


  • bexster started the conversation

    Hello, I just bought your theme, using demo content for the Fitness Blog design and layout: slider 8 on homepage and in 'list' format for posts underneath:

    All great. BUT problem with the primary nav menu going VERTICAL down and not horizontal like in your demo? I have tried everything but nothing will change the vertical menu layout. I don't need a megamenu - just a basic menu? 

    How do I get the menu to go horizontal on the menubar you provide on primary? Here is an attachment of the problem highlighted in yellow. (The menu text is sitting behind the slider going vertical - you can see a little of it).

    Many thanks to get back - almost set up but for this glitch...


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Have you try deactivate all plugins and try again?

    If it work, let's enable each plugin to check the plugin caused this issue.

    If it doesn't work, let's show me your site url to I can take it a look.

    Best Regards,


  • bexster replied

    Hi there - yes, the problem was the "Wordpress Menufication" plugin (a JQuery plugin) now deactivated. I'm only needing a basic menu system, so I'm thinking this should still work ok with the theme (?).

    Many thanks


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I think the plugin "Wordpress Menufication" has some bad codes has conflict with our theme to make it doesn't look good. This issues doesn't related with the menus simple or complex.

    Best Regards,
