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  Public Ticket #1327987
Problem On widgets!


  • rakibrohan started the conversation


    I added my instgram page on my website but Most of the Time my Fotter and Sidebar Instgram Looks Empty. It's look No Image found. Try another Username or Tag. But when I reload page the page all image are back. How can i get rid from this Problem.

  •  2,701
    PenciDesign replied


    It's issues from Instagram API - sometimes it down and it can't get the images, you got this message.
    This issues related with Instagram itself, so we can't do anything.

    Best Regards,

  • rakibrohan replied

    Hello, Thanks for Quick Reply

    My another problem is My fotter Copy Right text doesn't work. How acn I solve it?

  •  2,701
    PenciDesign replied


    What do you mean when you said "My fotter Copy Right text doesn't work"?

    Do you mean the link for your copyright text?

    If so, you can use this code and put to your copyright text:

    Copyright Protected by <a href="your-link-you-want-here">Spicery Kitchen</a> @2017

    Note: You need to change 'your-link-you-want-here' to the link you want. Include  http://  or https://

    When you done, let's check your site on the front-end - not via Customizer.

    Best Regards,
