I would like to have permalinks which include the pages name such as http://www.1jahr52buecher.de/neil-gaiman-the-sandman instead of http://www.1jahr52buecher.de/?p=2572 (current setting). If I try to change it within the wordpress settings for permalinks the pages aren't available anymore ("Site not found").
Dear support team,
I would like to have permalinks which include the pages name such as http://www.1jahr52buecher.de/neil-gaiman-the-sandman instead of http://www.1jahr52buecher.de/?p=2572 (current setting). If I try to change it within the wordpress settings for permalinks the pages aren't available anymore ("Site not found").
May you help me?
Thanks a lot!
Best, Eva
Please go to admin > Settings > Permalink > select "Post Name" > and click Save Changes
Best Regards,
as I wrote before, this doesn't work. :( As soon as I do this, the pages aren't available anymore (see attachment).
Best, Eva
If so, please send me:
- Your admin url
- Your admin account ( username and password )
- Your FTP account ( include FTP host, FTP username, FTP host ) - if you don't know this account, you can send me your hosting account.
In a private reply - I will check it help you.
Best Regards,
This issues caused by your hosting doesn't exists any htaccess file.
I created it help you and everything working fine now.
Best Regards,