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  Public Ticket #1334987
cross-browser testing


  • maydo615 started the conversation

    Hi there,

    My website is currently using Header 3 style with logo on the left and banner on the right. Header looks ok on latest version browsers including IE Edge, Chrome, FireFox and Safari, however, it does not nice on older version browsers such as Fire Fox 43 as below picture.

    Could you please advice to customise so header can be adapted on older browsers? many thanks

  •  2,701
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for purchased Soledad theme.

    Please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to fixed it:

    @-moz-document url-prefix() {
    .header-header-3 #logo img, .header-header-3 .header-banner img{ width: 100%; }

    Hope this help,

    Best Regards,


  • maydo615 replied

    Hi There,

    Thanks for your codes. Yeab, it works on Fire Fox 40.0, the banner has perfectly shown, however, IE 11 still shows only half of banner. Please advice, thank you very much.



  •  2,701
    PenciDesign replied


    Please try add more this code:

    <!--[if IE]>
    .header-header-3 #logo img, .header-header-3 .header-banner img{ width: 100%; }

    Like on this image to fixed it.

    Best Regards,


  • maydo615 replied

    Hi There,

    Thanks for your more codes. My site is currently using Soledad Child Theme, so there are only files functions.php and style.css under Appearance->Editor tab. So do I need to copy file header.php from "soledad" folder to "soledad-child" folder? and then paste your code into it?

    Thanks for your time.

    Cheers - May

  •  2,701
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, you can do that Copy header.php file from parent theme to child theme and edit it.

    Best Regards,


  • maydo615 replied

    Hi there, 

    Your instructions was performed but nothing change. I copied header.php file from parent theme, pasted it into child theme and added your given codes.

    Many thanks

    Cheers - May

  •  2,701
    PenciDesign replied


    Ok. If so, please remove header.php file from your child theme.

    And change the custom CSS code I sent you before from Customize > Custom CSS:

    @-moz-document url-prefix() {
    .header-header-3 #logo img, .header-header-3 .header-banner img{ width: 100%; }

    To this code:

    .header-header-3 #logo img, .header-header-3 .header-banner img{ width: 100%; }

    Best Regards,


  • maydo615 replied

    Brilliant, header banner works fine now on browser IE10 onward. Thanks so much.
