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  Public Ticket #1365516
Quick Text Translation


  • Agata started the conversation


    I have installed the Polylang plugin and have used both Polylang string translations and theme´s Quick Text Translation using shortcodes to translate the web into other languages, however there are 2 items that always seem to show in English and I can´t figure out how how to edit them too. I am talking about the comments area when you open a single post´s existing comments. Options "reply" and "edit". Can you please help me find a solution to translate these?

  •  2,701
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for purchased Soledad theme.

    The text "Recipe" & "Edit" come with translation from wordpress. Have you install .po and .mo files for your 2 languages? 


    - With French, you need use wordpress for French:

    - With Portugal, you need use wordpress for Portugal:

    That wordpress sites has differents from .po and .mo files in wp-content/languages/ folder - check this image

    Best Regards,
