I am trying to replace my favicon with a new favicon.ico file but it isn't refreshing. I'm using the Soledad theme. It's been a few days now and bluehost says they cleared out cache and don't see a problem on their end. Old favicon is a brown background with the letters "dm". New favicon is a blue background with the letter "m".
I am trying to replace my favicon with a new favicon.ico file but it isn't refreshing. I'm using the Soledad theme. It's been a few days now and bluehost says they cleared out cache and don't see a problem on their end. Old favicon is a brown background with the letters "dm". New favicon is a blue background with the letter "m".
I can see your new favicon: http://prntscr.com/hh2yh8
So, please wait some days because the favicon icon has a cache very high - and our theme doesn't affect anything with the favicon
Best Regards,