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  Public Ticket #1490650
Menu & Header Issue


  • Jasmine started the conversation

    1. My mega menu isn't displaying properly.  I watched the youtube video, but still can't fix it. I think the problem is that it doesn't expand full width.

    2. After my header and menu, there is a white space before the featured slider.  Can you help me remove the white space?

    3. For HOMEPAGE latest posts, it is possible have the the standard post style but with 2 column? I can get 2 columns with grid posts but the style is different.

    4. The content doesn't line menu.  Can I remove the space on the left and right so that it will have same spacing on computer/mobile mode? Do I have to make adjustment to the row in visual composer?

    5. For page builder with VC, the featured category has "SEE MORE" while the latest post has pagination .  Is it possible to have pagination on the featured post?

    • 5A. How can I edit "SEE MORE" font, color, spacing and make it all capitalize?
    • 5B. How can I edit PAGINATION font and color?

    6. For posts, how can I edit the font, size, & spacing of "CATEGORIES" "DATE" and "READ MORE"?

    • 6A. Can I remove the >> from Read More?
    • 6B. Is it possible to change the DIAMOND to a circle or box to separate the categories?
    • 6C. Is it possible to only show certain categories as oppose to all categories on the post? As in can we choose what categories to display? So instead of Adventure, USA, Florida we just have USA and Florida?

    7. How can I edit the font, size, & spacing of text on widget banner?  I want it to match the featured box on the top of the page.

    8. For featured category posts, how do I make title, categories, and date centered in grid and overlay posts?

    9. For single standard post, is it possible to switch the position of date and read more?

    10. For popular post sidebar widget, how do we make the title all caps? And is it possible to adjust the style?  Can you give me the container name to play around with the code?

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Because your configs are wrong. Please go to Appearance > Menus > on menu item "ADVENTURES" > remove all child menu items of this menu item - and set category mega menu to display on menu item "ADVENTURES"

    After that, go to admin page > Posts > Categories > edit categories "CANADA", "EUROPE", "ASIA", "RUSSIA" > and set parent category of this categories is category "ADVENTURES" 

    2/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    .featured-area{ margin-top: -60px; }

    3/ Unfortunately, for now this theme doesn't support this feature.

    4/ Seem your config are wrong. You just need to add Featured Category elements & Latest Posts element from VC to your content - don't need to add rows wrapper it.

    5/ To do that, please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    .penci-readmore-btn a, .penci-featured-cat-seemore a{display: inline-block; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 6px 12px; }

    5a) This theme doesn't support change fonts for See more button, to change the colors, spacing, and make it all capitalize, please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    .penci-readmore-btn a, .penci-featured-cat-seemore a{ border-color: #967552; background-color: #967552; color: #fff; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 13px; }

    5b) This theme doesn't support change fonts for PAGINATION, to change the color, please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    .penci-pagination li span, .penci-pagination li a, #comments_pagination span, #comments_pagination a{ color: #111; border-color: #212121;  }
    .penci-pagination li a:hover, #comments_pagination a:hover, .penci-pagination li span.current, #comments_pagination span{ color: #fff; background: #967552; border-color: #967552; }

    Change all color codes in the above codes to any color code you want.

    6/ Sorry this theme doesn't support this feature. 

    6a) To remove it, please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    .penci-readmore-btn i, .penci-featured-cat-seemore i{ display: none;  }

    6b) Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    .cat > a.penci-cat-name:after{ width: 4px; height: 4px; border-radius: 50%; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; }

    6c) Sorry, you can't do that. The categories display there will based on the posts categories.

    7/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    .penci-promo-text h4{ font-size: 10px; color: #3a3a3a; padding: 13px 20px;  }
    .penci-promo-item:hover .penci-promo-text h4{ color: #967552; }

    8/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that: .grid-header-box, .home-featured-cat-content .mag-photo .magcat-detail{ text-align: center; }

    9/ Sorry this theme doesn't support this feature.

    10/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    .widget ul.side-newsfeed li .side-item .side-item-text h4 a{ text-transform: uppercase; }

    You can use container name is:

    .widget ul.side-newsfeed

    And please note:

    You're the first customer requirements a lot of custom work around our theme. Please check Envato support policy for all items on themeforest here

    Item customization - doesn't include in support policy.

    And with all the helps above, we helped you a lot of customization outside support policy. So, in the next times, we will can't help you with your new customization requirements. We've more than 12k+ customers using this theme and we can't provide supports for each customer like you.

    I think you can understand it.

    Best Regards,
