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  Public Ticket #1494156
Adsense Auto ads


  •  6
    WA started the conversation

    Is it possible to add the new auto ads from adsense instead of the normal ads? Is there any documentation for this related to adding auto ads for this theme?


  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    You can get the AdSense Auto Ads code from your Account and put that codes via Customize > Logo and Header Options > Add the codes inside <head>.

    And check more on this guide.

    Best Regards,


  •  6
    WA replied

    Thank you so much. You are great. 

    Just to confirm we can add the new auto ads. 

  •  6
    WA replied

    Please advise will this code be placed on all pages i have contact page and front page. 

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    When you put the codes to Customize > Logo and Header Options > Add the codes inside <head> - It will appears on all pages.

    Best Regards,


  •  6
    WA replied

    1- How do I display ads on posts? This is very important. 

    Your advice highly appreciated. 

    2- Also, please refer below links about auto ads for AMP. Where can I add this code for AMP auto ads?and Linking pages code where do I place it?

    Implementation guide for AMP Auto ads (beta)

    Prepare your page for discovery and distribution

    3- Customizer > Single Post options Add Google Adsense code below post description _and_  Add Google Adsense code in the end of content posts

    Do we need to add adsense auto code to these fields too or if we added the code in the head is enough.

    4- How do I control where the ads are displayed on home page and posts. According to google I cant with Auto Ads. 

    I can see ads on home page but there is one just below the top menu bar I want to disable it. How do I choose where to position the ads? Do you offer ads manager? if I do the ads the manual method and not use auto ads. 

    Do I need to install  Advanced Ads Plugin? Or what is compatible with this theme you recommend. 

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Please try use this plugin to do that. Check this tab to know how to use this plugin.

    2/ Sorry, currently this theme doesn't supports auto ads on AMP.

    3/ No, It's not need.

    4/ If you use auto ads, there is no way to manage the ads spaces will displayed. Because google will auto place ads to any position on your site.

    Best Regards,


  •  6
    WA replied

    1- You have not developed this  ^^ BLOG ^^  theme to display ads on posts pages? Any reasons for this?

    I'm not sure if you understood the question but I was referring to post pages where ads to show. Is this not available? 

    Is this a coming soon feature? 

    The plugin you refereed to was last updated 3 years ago. Doesn't look a good deal to install and it has only 100 users left. 

    What does adding the code to this >>> Customizer > Single Post options Add Google Adsense code below post description _and_  Add Google Adsense code in the end of content posts. Will this display ads on post pages?

    Please try to understand that if ads are not shown on posts pages then there is a huge disadvantage for a blogger to make money. It will be required to have people go to front page only to see ads and all the post pages which are considered landing pages for the website will be a waste.

    2- Also, the AMP without ads is useless. What solutions there to solve this matter.

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Yeah, by default, this theme doesn't supports display ads inside posts content. Because we did provide option to display ads above & below the posts content.

    We will consider to add more this feature in the future updates. But, I'm not sure about that.

    2/ On AMP, this theme supports multiple ads spaces. Please check options for it via Customize > Customizer AMP

    Best Regards,


  •  6
    WA replied

    Please for your provided documentation its mentioned I add this code for AMP ads >>> from AMP homepage option.

    <amp-ad width=300 height=250


    Do I add this code to both places 

    "Google adsemse code below the slider"


    "Google adsemse code below the latest posts"

    Note that I'm using the AUTOMATIC ads from adsense will this same code apply?


  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    The AMP has a different rules for ads - that's why the way to display google adsense ads on AMP need to change. Please try do following like we said to put google adsense ads to AMP. With other ads, I'm not sure if AMP supports this. Please rememeber that AMP need to validate, that's why it has a lot of rules need to follow. With the shortcode like you said, I think you can try give it a try.

    Best Regards,


  •  6
    WA replied

    Where do I add this link code? 

    Is it possible to amend your theme documentation to show the steps for adding this adsense Auto Ads to AMP.


    Add the following to the non-AMP page:

    <link rel="amphtml" href="">

    And this to the AMP page:

    <link rel="canonical" href="">
    Then I will follow this two steps
    1- Place the amp-auto-ads script in the  of your page.
       <script async="" custom-element="amp-auto-ads" src="">
    <title>My AMP Page</title>
    2- Place the amp-auto-ads ad code immediately after the opening  tag.
       <amp-auto-ads type="adsense" data-ad-client="ca-pub-123456789123456"></amp-auto-ads>
    Important: Make sure you replace ca-pub-123456789123456 in the code above with your own publisher ID.
  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    We will tell with our developers to add more this feature in the next update version of this plugin.

    For now, please send me the admin url and admin account ( username and password  ). I will take it a look on this.

    Best Regards,


  •  6
    WA replied

    Thank you so much for helping.

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    I update your Penci Soledad AMP plugin to latest version and now it has more 2 options via Dashboard > Appearance > Customize AMP > Header Options > "Custom Code for Header" and "Add Custom Codes After <body> Tag"

    You can use that options to add the codes like you want.

    Best Regards,


  •  6
    WA replied

    I see the two places but what adsense code do I add. Is it the same Auto adsense code for non amp

    or I have to add auto adsense code AMP.

    Its becoming very confusing what to add and where. Is it possible for you to make it so that once we input the adsense code for non AMP it will automatically add the necessary code for AMP and non AMP pages. Your AMP plugin will take care of this for the whole theme.

    I don't know what code to add >>>>>>> Custom Code for Header

    I don't know what code to add >>>>>>> Add Custom Codes After <body> Tag

    Please advise what adsense code do I add for the AMP pages with the instructions.

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    Here is the way to add adsense auto ads to AMP like you said:

    Then I will follow this two steps
    1- Place the amp-auto-ads script in the  of your page.   <script async="" custom-element="amp-auto-ads" src=""></script>
    <title>My AMP Page</title>
    2- Place the amp-auto-ads ad code immediately after the opening  tag.   <amp-auto-ads type="adsense" data-ad-client="ca-pub-123456789123456"></amp-auto-ads>
    Important: Make sure you replace ca-pub-123456789123456 in the code above with your own publisher ID. 

    So, first, add more this code to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize AMP > Header Options > "Custom Code for Header":

    <script async="" custom-element="amp-auto-ads" src=""></script>

    And paste this code to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize AMP > Header Options > "Add Custom Codes After <body> Tag":

    <amp-auto-ads type="adsense" data-ad-client="ca-pub-123456789123456"></amp-auto-ads>

    Important: Make sure you replace ca-pub-123456789123456 in the code above with your own publisher ID.

    Best Regards,


  •  6
    WA replied

    I'm indebted to you

    I thank you for being patient with us and extremely helpful.

    I look forward to see this theme stay above the rest.

    Thank you.