Comments MassGrowth started the conversationMarch 17, 2018 at 3:57amHi,I like to ask if I can link each portfolio thumbnail to an URL (not a post or page)?The URLs are of the same domain but built with different tool than WordPress. Any hack I can do that?Thanks. 2,701PenciDesign repliedMarch 17, 2018 at 7:22amHi,Yeah, please do following steps to do that:1/ Install plugin Page Links To2/ Edit your portfolio, on edit a portfolio screen, scroll down and you can see options for custom link.Best Regards,PenciDesign Sign in to reply ...
I like to ask if I can link each portfolio thumbnail to an URL (not a post or page)?
The URLs are of the same domain but built with different tool than WordPress. Any hack I can do that?
Yeah, please do following steps to do that:
1/ Install plugin Page Links To
2/ Edit your portfolio, on edit a portfolio screen, scroll down and you can see options for custom link.
Best Regards,