Comments bloggingonabudget started the conversationApril 8, 2018 at 2:44amHi,I am getting numerous Crawl Errors when I look at my site in Google's Webmaster Tools.Do you know why these are occurring? Could they be internal links hidden within the template? 2,701PenciDesign repliedApril 8, 2018 at 3:01amHi,Is it your url? If it's not your url, you can ignore it. Seem it's issues with your old links, it doesn't related with our theme because our theme doesn't auto created the 404 urls.Best Regards,PenciDesign Sign in to reply ...
I am getting numerous Crawl Errors when I look at my site in Google's Webmaster Tools.
Do you know why these are occurring?
Could they be internal links hidden within the template?
Is it your url? If it's not your url, you can ignore it. Seem it's issues with your old links, it doesn't related with our theme because our theme doesn't auto created the 404 urls.
Best Regards,