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  Public Ticket #1539134
Updating Home Page


  • monoprice1 started the conversation


    Recently purchased this theme and have a question on setting up home page.

    For “Featured Slider” is it possible to select which post I want to have on the featured slider? If yes, how?

    Also, same question for penci block 26, if I wanted to select only my video categories/ video post to be shown in the section (penci block 26) on the home page, can I do so? If yes, how?

    Thank you

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for purchased PenNews.

    1/ You can click to "Build Query" button and fill all posts you want to display on your block here

    2/ You can click to "Build Query" button also, and fill categories you want to filter to "Categories" field

    Best Regards,


  • monoprice1 replied

    AH-HA! Awesome. 

    Thank you much! 

  •   PenciDesign replied privately