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  Public Ticket #1546185
WP Bakery Page Builder


  • Cultures Traveled started the conversation

    Page Builder does not load when I choose to edit a page by clicking "Edit using WPBakery Page Builder" It opens the edit and acts like it is going to open in page builder but everything is grayed out (see pic).

    I deactivated all plugins that did not come with the theme but it still won't load.

    Update: I just realized I don't have a cursor at all in my edit posts and pages whether I'm in visual or text mode. I am using a Chromebook if that makes a difference, but previously it has not been an issue with other themes. I have been able to change other texts (menus, widgets, etc)

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Can you send me your admin url and admin account ( username and password )? I will take it a look help you on this.

    Best Regards,


  •   Cultures Traveled replied privately
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me more your FTP account ( include FTP host, FTP username, FTP password  ) - if you don't know this account, let's send me your hosting account to I can check it more on this issues help you.

    Best Regards,


  •   Cultures Traveled replied privately
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We've checked it in 3 hours and seem this issues come from your hosting - your hosting has something related with config to make visual composer elements from the theme can't display. We've download your database, your source codes - keep all plugins activate like now - and move it to another hosting ( we've tried with A2 Hosting ) and it working fine.

    Can you help us ask your hosting provider about what the config on their hosting to make it doesn't work help me?

    Best Regards,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied



    I fixed it help you by add more this code to at the end of htacess file:

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
        SecFilterRemove 000267
    SubstituteMaxLineLength 100m

    Seem your hosting limited value SubstituteMaxLineLength - I just increase it and it's working fine now.

    Best Regards,


  • Cultures Traveled replied

    Yay, it works! Thank you so much for you help and going back again to solve the problem. Amazing, prompt customer service.