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  Public Ticket #1551695
Slider Revolution Not Working


  • FWD2016 started the conversation

    I actived the Featured Slider in customizer. In that module I also activated;

    • Enable Featured Slider,
    • Revolution Slider Full Width
    • inserted shortcode > [rev_slider alias="home-page-image-slider"]
    • Amount of slides - 2 (this amount was to test the slider)
    • Enable Auto Play Slider
    • Featured Slider Auto Time - 4000 (was default)
    • Featured Slider Auto Speed - 600 (was default)

    I did not activate "Select Featured Category", because I just wanted to have the slides appear from the slider revolution.

    The slides from the slider revolution are not showing at all. I get only a large blank space where the slider was suppose to appear.

    I used the browser "Inspect element" for the page on the spot slider where it was suppose to be and the source code shows the slides are present in the source code but nothing shows on the page.

    I did try to see if the CSS was in error, such as "display: none" but I could Not see anything like that, via the browser inspector. 

    Why is this not working?

  • FWD2016 replied


    2 issues,

    1: the slider revolution issue below, 

    2: "Featured Video Background" also does not work. I even  used the URL provided in the Soledad documentation, which that video is still active at Youtube. I inserted that sample URL into the customizer for the featured video and it does not show at all in the theme. It fails the same way as slider revolution, just a large empty space.


    Your support login info into the website;

    Send me your email address and I will send the login info - I did not think of it, now that I have already posted this ticket as a public reply.  I am not sure if my posts here are private to you now since I started this as public, sorry.

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    I just checked your site.

    Seem this issue caused by you did enable featured video on your homepage.

    Please go to Customize > Featured Video Background > and un-check on "Enable Featured Video Background" and check it again.

    Best Regards,


  • FWD2016 replied

    Found the cause of the issue. It was a script that I inserted into the footer for the copyright date. That copyright script needed a jQuery library version 2.2.4, which conflicted with the theme's jQuery library version 1.12.4 forcing the video background and image slider to fail. 

    Once I found a different copyright jQuery script that worked with the themes jQuery library, all works fine now.




  •   FWD2016 replied privately