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  Public Ticket #1554472
Child Theme


  • Arthur started the conversation


    I've just launched my new Soledad theme and in general I'm very happy with it - a huge improvement on my old html site (I just hope Google likes it as much as the old site!)

    One thing I am struggling with is the need to integrate MailChimp with my e-commerce function to allow segmentation (the Soledad plugin is successfully adding new users to my list). I need to add code to the theme, which means using a child theme. But when I install the child theme, it does not inherit any of the styles from the parent theme (and I've not even changed the colour scheme, which I liked "out of the box". 

    I attach a screenshot to show it looks nothing like the live site (

    Clearly I should not have to re-customise everything, so what do I need to do to make it work properly so I can install the MailChimp code?



  • FWD2016 replied

    First, I am not Penci support, just a lone website developer also using Soledad theme, so here is my response...

    Live site? - is "" your live site or is it someone else's that you are trying to duplicate in layout?

    I ask this because when I installed my Soledad theme I got the same basic layout and to match any of the demo's (in particular the "soledad-magazine" layout which matches the live site), you have to put it together. Putting together means via the Customizer, not with custom coding.

    This would mean that either you are trying to copy another site, or... you installed the demo content with settings to get the magazine layout.

    (I have seen only 1 WordPress theme in my time that came all layed out of the box.)

    Also, to use a child theme requires that for any changes to the theme files, requires you to copy those files and place them into the child theme folder using the same folder/file heiarchy, so any changes will not get over-written by updates.

    For the sake of others, here are reference links to building a WordPress site using child-themes,

    Any questions?

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @imustard,

    To move all the config from parent theme to child theme. Please do following steps:

    1/ Install & activate plugin Customizer Export/Import

    2/ Keep activate parent theme, and go to Customize > Export/Import > click export to export all the customizer data, you will get a .dat file.

    3/ Active child theme, go to Customize > Export/Import  > import .dat file you got from step 2.

    @FWD2016: Thank you for your reply.

    Best Regards,


  • Arthur replied

    Ok, thanks.

    @FWD2016 Thanks for the reply, it is my own site, and yes, I did put it together more or less as the demo, which was sufficiently close to my needs to be a good model to follow. But your comment reminds me that, of course, the demo is not the "out-of-the-box" theme either. 

    I normally use Child themes from the outset so I forgot about customisation and the need to export - I didn't think I would need to this time so I didn't bother, but for inserting tracking code, you do so I think it's probably worth always using a Child theme from the get-go so you don't have extra work later!

    Thanks both!


  • FWD2016 replied

    That's what I figured when reading Penci's response, the customizer configuration for any particular theme layout (as seen in the demo's) has to be repeated when installing a child theme version. Any settings, even custom CSS won't work unless they are all transferred over to the child theme.

    I believe for most WordPress themes, even the free ones, there is no "out of the box" theme.

    Child themes are the way to go, if you don't mind the work to make one. They are really worth it, believe me.

    The only issue I see with child themes and custom configurations of PHP/script files in child themes is if those core theme files are changed by the theme creator and placed into the update, then I believe you have to repeat the customization using the newer version of that same file (copied to the child theme), otherwise there could be conflicts.

    Of course for others who read this, don't copy the main CSS styles sheet into the child theme, use Custom CSS in the customizer instead.

    So now, your all set to go I believe?

  • Arthur replied

    @FWD2016, I agree, child theme's are the way to go even if, as I did, you do not anticipate making any changes. In this case, I need to add email software integration to track e-commerce, and there will be other situations too. 

    Still, the customiser import/export works nicely so it's not the end of the world if you did as I did! 

    All back to normal with the new child theme so I can do that integration now.
