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  Public Ticket #1557497
To change feature image alt


  • Max started the conversation


    After install the themes, i see this: The default image with an alternate "post featured image" and the Post title are the same. My website:

    For Example:

    The post title: ABCD.

    Feature image will set alt="ABCD." as the post title as default. Althought in media library, i set this photo alt, description, title ="EFGH".

    All the post had changed the Featuted post image <img alt="Post title">

    Please, tell me to set the post/page featured image as its in media library instead of "Post-Page title".


  •  2,697
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, we've know about this issues.

    We will fixed this issues in the documentation for Soledad theme. Please wait for it. This next update will come in about ~10 days like we expected.

    Best Regards,


  • Max replied

    Hello PenciDesign. Is the new theme version released? Can we update now?

    One more thing.

    Does this theme has the option to set the ads banner at the bottom-middle-top of the post with simple HTML?

    I want all the article to set the banner ads as simple as few clicks.

    Many thanks and regards.

  •  2,697
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Yeah, you can update it now. This update will fixed the issues as you said in this ticket.

    2/ I think you can use options:

    - Customize > Homepage Options > Add Google Adsense Code Below Featured Slider ( you can use HTML there also )

    - Customize > Footer Options > Add Google Adsense Code Above Footer  ( you can use HTML there also )

    Best Regards,


  • Max replied

    Hello Theme Team supporters.

    1. I want to ask how to make /custom featured image for the homepage. This theme does not choose an assign page (with featured image) to set as homepage. So now, i want to custom/assign a photo as a featured image. I need to see the featured image. How to do that?

    2. I want to ajust font size for all the posts, where can i find that options?

    Many thanks.

  •  2,697
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ You can make it via Yoast SEO via SEO > socials > Facebook > Click to "Facebook" tab > And you can see options for default sharing there. You can use that option.

    2/ Do you mean font size for posts title on the homepage? If so, please add more this code to Cutomize > Custom CSS to do that:

    .penci-grid li .item h2 a, .penci-masonry .item-masonry h2 a{ font-size: 22px;  }

    Change number 22 to value you want.

    Best Regards,


  • Max replied


    2/ Do you mean font size for posts title on the homepage? If so, please add more this code to Cutomize > Custom CSS to do that:

    No, i mean the post entry (article content), not the H2. How to change it?

    3/ Hi. Does this themes has shortcodes included? Does pencidesign release shortcodes plugin to download?  where can i find those?

    Many thanks.

  •  2,697
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ If you mean about font-size for post content, please check option for it via Customize > General Options > Custom Size Of Fonts in Posts (Numeric value only, unit is pixel)

    2/ You can go to Appearance > Install Plugins > install & active plugin Penci Shortcodes

    After that, you can see shortcodes from the theme here

    Best Regards,


  • Max replied

    Hello new day

    1. One more thing, i don't want breadcrumb in search result, how to disable it? I only want the slug with post url in SERP. Many thanks.

  •  2,697
    PenciDesign replied


    To do that, please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS: .container.penci-breadcrumb{ display: none;  }

    Best Regards,


  •   Max replied privately
  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   Max replied privately
  •  2,697
    PenciDesign replied


    This theme already supports for all the requirements you said - include Adrotate plugin.

    1/ If you want to change the banner images like you want. You can use option via Customize > Logo and Header Options > Google adsense code to display in header 3 > and put the code you want here.


    <a href="url"><img src="img url" alt="What do you want put here"></a>

    2/ Also, the option above + options for ads on Customize > Single Post Options   ---  All that options supports for shortcodes already. You can put shortcodes of your Adrotate plugin there.

    Best Regards,
