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  Public Ticket #1600552


  •   Gracien started the conversation
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You need to select permalink is "/%postname%/" like I did here and it work fine now.

    Also, please check the documentation for AMP here to know how to set up AMP.

    Best Regards,


  • Gracien replied

    Thank you

    But it's looks like, this change you just made has impact on the website.

    On google analytic it shows 0 views even on adsense, 0 views for the entire website

  • Gracien replied

    Also a big change when sharing, the post is being shared without an image, and some additional text being added to the post

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ This changed doesn't affect to your google analytics or your old links. Because the old links will auto change to the new links.

    2/ That issues doesn't related with my change. We've said about this issue here

    Best Regards,
