i uploaded a free version of pennews theme and later purchased the license version. However, i deleted the free version and uploaded the license theme and activate. The whole site is in Dis array after importing Demo data.
I need to remove the empty space between my main menu and the first section (Trending) and the AJAX next category doesnt seem to come up in the trending section
i uploaded a free version of pennews theme and later purchased the license version. However, i deleted the free version and uploaded the license theme and activate. The whole site is in Dis array after importing Demo data.
I need to remove the empty space between my main menu and the first section (Trending) and the AJAX next category doesnt seem to come up in the trending section
How can i fix this?
1/ You can edit your front-page, and change or remove the Empty space element from WPBakery Page Builder to remove/edit that space.
2/ If you want to remove section Trending, you can edit your front-page and remove it from WPBakery Page Builder elements.
3/ I see it still working fine. You just see some posts with same featured images. But, let see the titles - it's different.
Best Regards,
When i do a post, it shows in all categories on Homepage. But the categories are organised when you go to individual categories..
How can i fix this please?
Can you tell me more about your question? I'm not clearly about this.
Best Regards,