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  Public Ticket #1633264
Mobile Header, WP Bakery Update


  • Cultures Traveled started the conversation

    Good morning! Two things...

    1. I noticed the logo shows as PenNews in mobile and tablet view even though I entered the text logo I prefer. I even clicked the box to disable logo in mobile view, cleared cache and it still shows as PenNews. I've included a screen shot below for both mobile and tablet views. I also confirmed on my cell phone.

    2. WP Bakery plugin has needed an update for a while. I thought it would be included with the new update of PenNews, but it wasn't. Can you tell us when it will be updated?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Please check options for it via Customize > Vertical Mobile Nav

    2/ To update WPBakery Page Builder, please do following steps:

    a) Go to Dashboard > Plugins > deactivate & delete WPBakery Page Builder.

    b) Go to Appearance > Install Plugins > and re-install WPBakery Page Builder plugin - and you will get latest version of this plugin.

    Best Regards,


  • Cultures Traveled replied

    Can you tell me how to update WPBakery now? I can't find it in the plugins when I search. Do I need to download the updated version from you?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    To update the plugin, please go to Plugins > All Plugins > deactivate & remove old version of WPBakery.

    After that, go to Appearance > Install Plugins > and re-install that plugin - you will get latest version of plugin.

    Best Regards,
