Comments caparros07 started the conversationAugust 2, 2018 at 12:38amHi! In homepage, i can see the post´s title, the featured image, etc..But is it possible to show also a little excerpt of the news? 501Penci repliedAugust 2, 2018 at 2:17amHi,I'm not clear about your question. Can you tell me more about this ?Please send me the screenshot the position you want to show excerpt ?Best Regards,PeciDesigncaparros07 repliedAugust 2, 2018 at 2:26amPlease see this example of another web of news. I attach it. The title is marked with red and the excerp with green.Then, when you click, yoy go yo the full post. 2,701PenciDesign repliedAugust 2, 2018 at 4:52amHi,Ah, I understand it now. Sorry this theme doesn't support this featureBest Regards,PenciDesign Sign in to reply ...
In homepage, i can see the post´s title, the featured image, etc..
But is it possible to show also a little excerpt of the news?
I'm not clear about your question. Can you tell me more about this ?
Please send me the screenshot the position you want to show excerpt ?
Best Regards,
Please see this example of another web of news. I attach it. The title is marked with red and the excerp with green.
Then, when you click, yoy go yo the full post.
Ah, I understand it now. Sorry this theme doesn't support this feature
Best Regards,