That's wrong - because you've created ticket for Soledad - not PenNews I just change the ticket category to PenNews now. But, as I can see on the site: - this site use Soledad theme. Do you confused?
I had been searching in your support forum for ways to change the color of H2 and H3 ... and got to this thread ... started by somebody else who might well be using Soledad.
If so, please create a new ticket for PenNews and we will check it help you - DON'T put reply for tickets of another customer because they will get email notice.
Hello, once again.
Is there a way to change the subtitles font color?
If you want to change color for heading titles inside posts, please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:
Change color code #ff0000 to any color code you want. You can get a color code here
Best Regards,
Thank you
I'm trying to change the color of subheadings too and added
.post-entry h2, .post-entry h3{ color: #c89240; }
to customizing additional CSS to change heading 2 and 3 into gold ... but it doesn't work.
What am I doing wrong?
You need to add that code to the end of Customize > Custom CSS - To make it override to this code you added before:
Let's use this code and add that code to the end of Customize > Custom CSS:
Best Regards,
Unfortunately, this still doesn't seem to work. I'm on the PenNews theme. Is that any different? ... What else could I try to fix this?
That's wrong - because you've created ticket for Soledad - not PenNews
I just change the ticket category to PenNews now. But, as I can see on the site: - this site use Soledad theme. Do you confused?
Best Regards,
I had been searching in your support forum for ways to change the color of H2 and H3 ... and got to this thread ... started by somebody else who might well be using Soledad.
We're using PenNews on
Shall I submit a new ticket?
If so, please create a new ticket for PenNews and we will check it help you - DON'T put reply for tickets of another customer because they will get email notice.
Best Regards,