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  Public Ticket #1673496
WPML and Yoast SEO compatibility problems


  • jkraizel started the conversation

    Hello! I'm having compatibility problems with two plugins you advertise are compatible with Soledad.

    1. WPML: In the english version of the web page the feature slider and featured boxes are not being displayed.

    2. Yoast SEO: Facebook is not able to read the description of the posts. I talk to Yoast SEO support and they told me this, that is directly related with the SOLEDAD THEME (I have being using all the same pluggins and everything with another theme, Bridge, and never had this problem).

    The Problem: Facebook don't display the correct page title, photo and description. It even show it as a "non found page".

    Yoast SEO answer to the issue: We checked your page using the Facebook Debugger and we see that Facebook is not able to read the OpenGraph tags, because the page has a lot of CSS code in the source code of the page. Facebook has a limit to the number of lines of code it will read and on your page, the OpenGraph tags are being pushed down to the bottom of a lot of CSS content. We would recommend you remove the inlined CSS code and test the page again.

    I'm also having issues with the page speed that are related to this too. (already did all in the guide you guys told me to follow : THE SITE SPEED IS STILL LOW, and I install and configure all the pluggins as told.

    Please find attached: 

    - Screenprint of the english version of the site without the slider and the boxes.

    - Screenprint of the code of the page which include the OpenGraph tags down by line 3424 of your source code. Not normal... 

    - Screenprint of the google pagespeed insight showing the problems with the deskop version.

    Please, I need a real solution to this issue... I buy the theme because it was supposed to be fast and compatible with all this pluggins. 


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me:

    - Your admin url

    - Your admin account ( username and password  )

    - Your FTP account ( include FTP host, FTP username, FTP password ) and I will take it a look help you.

    In a private reply.

    Best Regards,


  •   jkraizel replied privately
  • jkraizel replied

    Actually... non of the menus are worrking. In the mobile version it doen's open. In the deskop version you can't change between different mega-menus, also they are not showing the thumbnails.

    I have a pluggin for accordion menus that yesterday was working just fine, now suddenly it doesn't open!!

  •   jkraizel replied privately
  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  • jkraizel replied


    After the changes was made, the Autoptimize Cache fills up completely two times a day... I have reasons to think is because of the theme, because I was working with the same plugins before on Bridge Theme and never have this problem. It started only after I change themes...

    How can it be fixed? 


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    That's normal because PenNews has more elements with any other theme ( more than 150+ elements from WPBakery  ) so the cache is bigger. Also, you can ignore issues with autoptimize cache full because it doesn't affect anything to your site.

    Best Regards,


  • jkraizel replied

    I'm not using PenNews... I'm using Soledad... and my WP bakery elements are just the most basic ones... no even close to 150+...??

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Ahh, sorry I was mistake about the theme. If so, strange because we're using Autoptimize also on Soledad and we didn't get that issue. Just some MB for caching on Autoptimize.

    Also, I just tried activate that plugin and I see the cache is fine:

    Best Regards,
