In a Penci fancy heading, the font size for the the title and subtitle is not adjusting on the mobile.
For a title, However small I make the font size on the desktop, it stays the same on the mobile and my title is long enough that a longer "Announcement" is getting broken - it is cut off at "Announcmen" and then the "t" is on the third line. Is there a reason that the mobile title is not adjusting down in font size as I adjust it on the desktop? How do I prevent my word from breaking?
I also tried to put my title in the subtitle to see if that would work and I have the opposite problem. No matter how big I make the font on the desktop version, it stays the same size on the mobile - which is smaller than I want.
I am updated and the feature you said would be in the update below is not. I can change the font size of the Penci header for the desktop - but I was able to do that prior to the update. As you said below, the update was going to deal with fancy header font size being responsive on the mobile. Currently, it is not. I can change the font up and down the scale and it is always the same size on the mobile - which is too big in that environment. Please help.
In a Penci fancy heading, the font size for the the title and subtitle is not adjusting on the mobile.
For a title, However small I make the font size on the desktop, it stays the same on the mobile and my title is long enough that a longer "Announcement" is getting broken - it is cut off at "Announcmen" and then the "t" is on the third line. Is there a reason that the mobile title is not adjusting down in font size as I adjust it on the desktop? How do I prevent my word from breaking?
I also tried to put my title in the subtitle to see if that would work and I have the opposite problem. No matter how big I make the font on the desktop version, it stays the same size on the mobile - which is smaller than I want.
Please help.
Thank you.
We will add more this feature in the next update version of PenNews. Please wait for it
The next update will come in next weeks.
Best Regards,
I am updated and the feature you said would be in the update below is not. I can change the font size of the Penci header for the desktop - but I was able to do that prior to the update. As you said below, the update was going to deal with fancy header font size being responsive on the mobile. Currently, it is not. I can change the font up and down the scale and it is always the same size on the mobile - which is too big in that environment. Please help.
You can try go to tab Responsive of Penci Fancy Heading Block , after that fill font size you want as screenshot ( ).
If it still not working, please send me:
- Your admin url
- Your admin account ( username and password )
- Your FTP account ( include FTP host, FTP username, FTP password ) - or your hosting account.
In a private reply.
I will check it help you.
Best Regards,