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  Public Ticket #1684527
Penci Text Block Font Size Issue


  •  1
    trustbuilt started the conversation

    There is no setting for Typo content font size in the Penci Text Block (only for the Block Title) and the text in the block does not respond to the Customize > General Options > Typography setting when I change it.  Where is the setting for this?

    Unfortunately, whatever the default font size is set to in the Text Block, it is smaller than my General Typography settings (15).  I currently have it sitting next to a Penci Fancy Heading which set at 15 and it is definitely smaller or the default font style is set to something different than I have selected in the General Body Typography settings (Open Sans).  It seems the Penci Text Block is acting independent of any of the General Settings - at least those that I can find.

    How do I change the font size in a Penci Text Block?  And if it is an issue with font type, how do I make sure the content in the Penci Text Block (not the Block Title) is set to Open Sans?

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    Have you update your theme to latest version & plugin Penci Framework to latest version?

    If not, please go to Appearance > Themes  & Appearance > Install Plugins and update that.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    trustbuilt replied

    I am updated.  The font issue remains.  Where do I change the font size for the content in a Penci Text Block?  The setting is not in the Text Block Typo settings.

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    We will consider to add more this feature in the future updates.

    Currently, we don't supports for change the font size for Text Block as it's a editor.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    trustbuilt replied

    Its kind of a big issue.  The two main text blocks that I am aware of in the theme are Penci Text Block and Fancy Header.  Text Block has the top border and separator and the title is linkable - which is all perfect.  This allows it to look complimentary from an aesthetic standpoint to your content blocks because it has the top border where the Fancy Header does not.  But if you can't change the font size or color in a Text Block (which apparently you can't) you are very limited.  Apparently the default font size is 14 in the text block - which is too small for any real amount of text. 

    So . . . you are forced to use a Fancy Header - which does allow you to change font size and color - which is great other than it has no top border (which compromises the aesthetic consistency with the content blocks) and the title is not linkable (which is a major issue that I have a separate ticket in on).  I can live with the no top border so that I can change font size and color but how can I have a text section with a fancy header where the user can't click on the title?  That's not going to work.

    So as it sits, I either use a Text Block with 14 pt. font and black only text so that I can have a linkable title or I use Fancy Header and give up the top border and the linking title in favor of font size and color flexiblility.  Oh, and the title on the Fancy Header on mobile is way too big and not adjustable (this was supposed to be fixed in this most recent release per another ticket I have in). 

    There has to be a workable solution here between the two, right?  The theme is absolutely amazing and I love it - it feels like a couple of common sense adjustments would go a long way in meeting user needs.  Please let me know your thoughts.

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    Please try use this plugin: - It will allow you to change font size via your editor.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    trustbuilt replied

    This was helpful; thank you very much.  

    For Penci content blocks, I have been unsuccessful in finding a setting that adjusts the font size for Title and Excerpt on the mobile.  When I adjust the font for Title and Excerpt on the desktop block, it adjusts fine but the size doesn't move on the mobile.  The body of Posts also adjusts from desktop to mobile nicely.  Am I missing a setting somewhere to get content block Title and Excerpt adjusted for mobile?  The Excerpts on Content Blocks show up particularly small on the mobile - for my preference anyway so I am trying to figure out how to adjust it.

    Thank you.

  •  1
    trustbuilt replied

    Quick update on this; the font size excerpts on Block 38 are adjusting on the mobile.  They are not adjusting for Block 5.  I have not tried many others but I can verify those two.  Any way to get the Block 5 font size excerpts to respond on mobile?  Perhaps it is something that I'm not setting properly?  Thank you.

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    Unfortunately, currently this theme doesn't support to change the font size for mobile devices when you change the font size. We will consider to add more this feature in the future updates.

    Now, you can add more this code to Customize > Addinational CSS to change the font-size for excerpt for Block 5 on mobile:

    @media screen and (max-width: 480px){
    .penci-block_5 .penci-post-excerpt{ font-size: 16px; }

    Best Regards,
