When the post does not have images, that text would replace the space of the photo or at least a white space! This gray mask does not look good. It gives the impression that the image has not been uploaded!
It would be interesting, too, to have room for the subtitle. For us who work with journalism is very important!
In Penci Post View Count, you could have the option to automatically increment visits. The BoomBox theme - Viral Magazine WordPress Theme has a very interesting option: You can choose a number to multiply the visits. For example, at each visit, it would be marked as 5, 10, 15 etc!
I would like, if I may, to make a suggestion:
When the post does not have images, that text would replace the space of the photo or at least a white space! This gray mask does not look good. It gives the impression that the image has not been uploaded!
Thank you!
It would be interesting, too, to have room for the subtitle. For us who work with journalism is very important!
In Penci Post View Count, you could have the option to automatically increment visits. The BoomBox theme - Viral Magazine WordPress Theme has a very interesting option: You can choose a number to multiply the visits. For example, at each visit, it would be marked as 5, 10, 15 etc!
Link: https://themeforest.net/item/boombox-viral-buzz-wordpress-theme/16596434?s_rank=3
1./ In Penci Post View Count, now theme support custom number, you can click number views to edit this it as screenshot http://prntscr.com/kp4tpg
Please check video attachment
2. Image default, i will save it and we will discussion with our team soon
. I am sure about this.
Best Regards,