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  Public Ticket #1732603
preview of articles


  • Adrian started the conversation


    I have the following questions

    1) for unknown reasons the preview pictures to a blog are (seemingly randomly) differently placed. On the website the "Txoko September 2018" is on the left whereas "Sonntagsküche August 2018" is above the text. I would prefer the latter: where can I change?

    2) on the bottom right of the preview of the articles right of the comment indicator there is a triangle (sharing icon). When I click on it it displays information for embedding the article in wordpress. How can I remove this icon? or replace it with "sharing on fb, Twitter etc."?

    3) on the bottom there is a wordpress icon and then a link back to the main site. Can I remove the wp icon or the link back or both? If a link needs to be there, then I would prefer a link to the respective article (not the main site)

    4) On the homepage I can click "view all" for the respective categories. Whilst for blogs and recipes it then displays the preview picture for each article, this is done only for some of the Gallery articles Where must I change the settings?

    Many thanks and best regards, Adrian

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ I see all the text on that page is on different lines. Don't like you said. Have you take it a look again?

    2/ I didn't see it. Seem you've figured out how to remove that.

    3/ I didn't see that button - seem you've logged in and the button appears. Let's try logged out and check it again.

    4/ Please set a featured image for all your posts to make preview images appears - check this image to know where to set a featured image.

    Best Regards,


  • Adrian replied

    Hi thanks for the prompt reply and aplogies if didnt express myself clearly. I will now add pictures to clarify

    1) on "screenshot 2018 10 03 Gallery" you see that for the first two posts the picture is left of the text and for the next two blogs it is larger and above. if you scroll down there are again blogs where it is left of the text. where can I change that it is always above? BTW this changes randomly for every post - it might be depending on the working station I am using?

    2) I painted a the blue arrow to the "share" icon I want to remove on screenshot "inked screenshot appetizer". On "screenshot appetizer" you see what appears when I click on the icon. I would like to have either this icon removed or - if not possible - that it would show options for sharing on facebook, Twitter etc.

    3) I painted a purple arrow to the wordpress icon and a red arrow to the "sundaykitchen" icon on "screenshot starters". If I click on either of these icons, then it opens the start page of "". I would like to remove both icons.

    4) on the main site I display the first blogs of the different sections (recipes, blogs, gallery) etc. When the user clicks on "view all" (see screenshot 1), he is taken to a new page where all blogs are shown. If one does this for the recipes then to each article the preview picture appears (see screenshot 2). If one does this for the gallery the preview picture appears only for few blogs (marked with a + in screenshot 3 whereas for most blogs (marked with a - ) there is no preview. This is despite the fact that ALL blogs have preview pictures. See for example the blog in the green box on screenshot 3 where the preview picutre is shown on the right (under latest blogs) but not on the main page.

    I seem not to be able to upload more files. I will therfore upload these in a separate reply.

    Thanks and best regards, Adrian

  • Adrian replied

    here the rest of my reply with the attachments

    4) on the main site I display the first blogs of the different sections (recipes, blogs, gallery) etc. When the user clicks on "view all" (see screenshot 1), he is taken to a new page where all blogs are shown. If one does this for the recipes then to each article the preview picture appears (see screenshot 2). If one does this for the gallery the preview picture appears only for few blogs (marked with a + in screenshot 3 whereas for most blogs (marked with a - ) there is no preview. This is despite the fact that ALL blogs have preview pictures. See for example the blog in the green box on screenshot 3 where the preview picutre is shown on the right (under latest blogs) but not on the main page.

    Thanks and best regards, Adrian

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Seem that's random from Wordpress. I think you can try change featured image for posts has thumbnail on the left. Seem your featured images on that posts is too small - so, it display like that.

    2 & 3/ That come from wordpress itself and it appears inside iframe - to do that, you need to override files from core of wp-includes folder. And we don't provider supports for requirements like this. That take much time ( minimum is a day to do  )

    4/ Because you've use gallery posts format for that posts and Gallery post format will display a slider there.

    Please do following steps to make the slider appears:

    a) Make sure you've installed plugin Vafpress Post Formats UI - If not, go to Appearance > Install Plugins > install & activate that plugin.

    b) Go to edit the posts doesn't display images on this category page:

    On above the posts title, you can see "Gallery" tab activated - let's click to "Pick Images" below it and pick images for your gallery.

    Best Regards,


  • Adrian replied


    Thanks again for the swift reply

    1) although all preview pictures have been 600x600 your hint to the size was helpful. I could fix it by importing the pictures again in their original size (2400x2400) and reducing them in wordpress to 800x800. Afterwards they displayed above the text.

    2&3) no problem. If there would have been an easy fix, I would have changed it

    4) I dont like the default gallery display, where one sees only one picture at the time. Therefore I did my gallery not by using the Gallery tab but by inserting two columns of pictures into the text (see screenshot). As a workaround I have now added (solely) the preview picture in the gallery tab IN ADDITION to having it as preview picture to the post and thereby resolved the problem :-)

    Many thanks - case closed :-)

    Best regards from Switzerland, Adrian