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  Public Ticket #1755041
Font size on posts and pages and pages with WPBakery


  • lmmckay started the conversation


    I'm struggling to figure out how to do a couple of things as I'm building my site with Soledad. I've looked at other tickets, but still haven't been able to figure it out:

    1. Change the body font size on a page built with WPBakery. I want to do this across the site (change the default body text font size) not have to adjust font size page by page.

    2. Change the post title size and body font size of posts. Again, I want to do this across the site.



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    This theme just supports you can change the general text size for whole site via Customize > General Options > Custom Size Of Fonts in Posts (Numeric value only, unit is pixel)

    If you want to change the text on the page build with WPBakery, I think you can install plugin TinyMCE Advanced - and change the text size via "Text Block" element.

    Best Regards,
