i know you are not provide optimization but your theme i am using i can't used other theme so you are the one suggest not other theme developer i am using lots of theme but your the one says i can't provide optimization. its bad.
Your site has 100/100 score on desktop and 65/100 score on mobile - That's high score for google page speed - and we don't provide support for optimize it more.
Do you think we provide optimize for all customers sites with 100/100 score on both mobile & desktop? No - That's impossible for any Wordpress theme.
how can i increase my site speed? my result here https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwallpapergun.com%2F
i already used cache plugin but its too loaded site take a time.
I just checked your site speed and I see your site has 100/100 score on desktop and 65/100 score on mobile.
That's quite high score. And we don't provide supports for optimize more score.
Best Regards,
i know you are not provide optimization but your theme i am using i can't used other theme so you are the one suggest not other theme developer i am using lots of theme but your the one says i can't provide optimization. its bad.
As I said in my previous comment:
Your site has 100/100 score on desktop and 65/100 score on mobile - That's high score for google page speed - and we don't provide support for optimize it more.
Do you think we provide optimize for all customers sites with 100/100 score on both mobile & desktop? No - That's impossible for any Wordpress theme.
Best Regards,