First of all, your theme has worked really well so far for me, so a big thanks for making it clear and easy to use.
I have however encountered now a super huge problem for me now. Your social share Pinterest button only gives the option to share with the featured image, it does not make a gallery from the pictures present in the post text to choose from to pin. Please see and example here of what I mean:
In this ticket the user says as well it has installed a different plugin, because your social items do not support this feature. However, I find that to super mess up the overall look of the theme for me and I would really like to keep it uniform and simple.
Is there anyway in which you can help me/us with this? Have you maybe solved this issue or will you be able to fix it? This is a very standard feature for other social sharing plugins and it is super important for women bloggers, as the majority operate mostly with Pinterest.
Thank you for purchased our theme and your great words about our theme.
Yeah, of course we want to do that. But currently Pinterest doesn't provide HTML version for pin all images inside one page... That's why we can't integrate this into the theme..
In the future updates, we will find another solution for it and if there is another solution, we will update the theme to support this of course
Don't worry, our developers team can confirm they will added this feature in the next updateAnd you can use that feature from the theme itself when the update released - don't need to use that from a plugin.
First of all, your theme has worked really well so far for me, so a big thanks for making it clear and easy to use.
I have however encountered now a super huge problem for me now. Your social share Pinterest button only gives the option to share with the featured image, it does not make a gallery from the pictures present in the post text to choose from to pin. Please see and example here of what I mean:
In this ticket the user says as well it has installed a different plugin, because your social items do not support this feature. However, I find that to super mess up the overall look of the theme for me and I would really like to keep it uniform and simple.
Is there anyway in which you can help me/us with this? Have you maybe solved this issue or will you be able to fix it? This is a very standard feature for other social sharing plugins and it is super important for women bloggers, as the majority operate mostly with Pinterest.
Thanks in advance!
Thank you for purchased our theme and your great words about our theme.
Yeah, of course we want to do that. But currently Pinterest doesn't provide HTML version for pin all images inside one page... That's why we can't integrate this into the theme..
In the future updates, we will find another solution for it and if there is another solution, we will update the theme to support this of course
Best Regards,
Thank you so much for your review.
Don't worry, our developers team can confirm they will added this feature in the next update
And you can use that feature from the theme itself when the update released - don't need to use that from a plugin.
Best Regards,