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  Public Ticket #1791228
How to change to other language fonts


  • erinyako started the conversation


    I'd like to change the fonts for japanese web fonts.

    I think I need to do something on custom css but I'm not sure what I should do.

    (I have fonts URL that I want to change. )


  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    Can you send me the URL of the font you want to change for?

    And do you want to apply that font for all spaces on your site?

    Best Regards,


  • erinyako replied

    Thank you for a message.

    Here is URL of the font that I want to change.

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">

    And yes, I want to apply this fonts for all spaces on my site.

    Thank you.

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    If so, please do following steps here to do that:

    1/ Add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">

    2/ Add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h2.penci-heading-video, #navigation .menu li a, .penci-photo-2-effect figcaption h2, .headline-title, a.penci-topbar-post-title, #sidebar-nav .menu li a, .penci-slider .pencislider-container .pencislider-content .pencislider-title, .penci-slider
    .pencislider-container .pencislider-content .pencislider-button,
    .author-quote span, .penci-more-link a.more-link, .penci-post-share-box .dt-share, .post-share a .dt-share, .author-content h5, .post-pagination h5, .post-box-title, .penci-countdown .countdown-amount, .penci-countdown .countdown-period, .penci-pagination a, .penci-pagination .disable-url, ul.footer-socials li a span,
    .widget input[type="submit"], .widget button[type="submit"], .penci-sidebar-content .widget-title, #respond h3.comment-reply-title span, a span, .footer-widget-wrapper .widget .widget-title,
    .container.penci-breadcrumb span, .container.penci-breadcrumb span a, .penci-container-inside.penci-breadcrumb span, .penci-container-inside.penci-breadcrumb span a, .container.penci-breadcrumb span, .container.penci-breadcrumb span a, .error-404 .go-back-home a, .post-entry .penci-portfolio-filter ul li a, .penci-portfolio-filter ul li a, .portfolio-overlay-content .portfolio-short .portfolio-title a, .home-featured-cat-content .magcat-detail h3 a, .post-entry blockquote cite,
    .post-entry blockquote .author, .share-title, .widget ul.side-newsfeed li .side-item .side-item-text h4 a, .thecomment .comment-text, .thecomment .comment-text a, .post-comments span.reply a, #respond h3, #respond label, .wpcf7 label, #respond #submit, .wpcf7 input[type="submit"], .widget_wysija input[type="submit"], .archive-box span,
    .archive-box h1, .gallery .gallery-caption, .contact-form input[type=submit], ul.penci-topbar-menu > li a, div.penci-topbar-menu > ul > li a, .featured-style-29 .penci-featured-slider-button a, .pencislider-container .pencislider-content .pencislider-title, .pencislider-container
    .pencislider-content .pencislider-button, ul.homepage-featured-boxes .penci-fea-in.boxes-style-3 h4 span span, .pencislider-container .pencislider-content .pencislider-button, .woocommerce div.product .woocommerce-tabs .panel #respond .comment-reply-title, .penci-recipe-index-wrap .penci-index-more-link a, .penci-menu-hbg .menu li a, #sidebar-nav .menu li a, .penci-readmore-btn.penci-btn-make-button a, 
    .bos_searchbox_widget_class #flexi_searchbox h1, .bos_searchbox_widget_class #flexi_searchbox h2, .bos_searchbox_widget_class #flexi_searchbox h3, .bos_searchbox_widget_class #flexi_searchbox h4,
    .bos_searchbox_widget_class #flexi_searchbox #b_searchboxInc .b_submitButton_wrapper .b_submitButton:hover, .bos_searchbox_widget_class #flexi_searchbox #b_searchboxInc .b_submitButton_wrapper .b_submitButton,
    .penci-featured-cat-seemore.penci-btn-make-button a, body, textarea, #respond textarea, .widget input[type="text"], .widget input[type="email"], .widget input[type="date"], .widget input[type="number"], .wpcf7 textarea, .mc4wp-form input, #respond input, .wpcf7 input, #searchform, ul.homepage-featured-boxes .penci-fea-in
    h4, .widget.widget_categories ul li span.category-item-count, .about-widget .about-me-heading, .widget ul.side-newsfeed li .side-item .side-item-text .side-item-meta{ font-family: 'Sawarabi Mincho'; font-weight: 400; }

    Best Regards,


  •   erinyako replied privately
  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    Ahh, we're sorry.

    I said with you wrong the place. On step 1, please put that code to Customize > Logo and Header Options > Add Custom Code Inside <head> Tag

    Best Regards,


  • erinyako replied

    Hello. Thanks for a message!

    It worked!

    But one more thing, I think I missed understand that you said "apply that font for all spaces on your site",

    I said yes but it wasn't. I wanted change the fonts for posts area, posts title area, and poplar posts widget area.

    (another area I stay use english.) 

    Could you give me an another code?

    Sorry for miss understanding... this is going to be the last question!

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    Please you show me your site url to I can take it a look on this for help you.

    Best Regards,


  •   erinyako replied privately
  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    Ok. Please try use this custom css code:

    .penci-grid li .item h2 a, .penci-masonry .item-masonry h2 a, .header-standard h2, .header-standard .post-title, .header-standard h2 a, .penci-page-header h1, .post-entry p, .wpb_text_column p, .item-related h3 a, .post-pagination h5, .post-entry, .widget ul.side-newsfeed li .side-item .side-item-text h4 a { font-family: 'Sawarabi Mincho'; font-weight: 400; }

    Best Regards,


  • erinyako replied


    It worked perfect!!

    Thank you for all your help!!
