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  Public Ticket #1795711
Double Comment Boxes With Elementor


  • multitasker_ started the conversation

    Hi, I am building my site with Elementor. I made my page. It is showing two comment boxes. The first one is from Elementor which I prefer to use because the spacing matches my other content. The second one at the bottom is the default theme comment box. How do I remove it?

    Here is a page:…/best-gym-bags-for-men/


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I see just one comment box appears. Seem you've solved it.

    To enable/disable comment box for page - just need to do following this image and this image

    Best Regards,


  • multitasker_ replied

    I did. Thank you!

  • Thestyledare1 replied

    I am building my site with Elementor. I made my page. It is showing two comment boxes. The first one is from Elementor which I prefer to use because the spacing matches my other content. The second one at the bottom is the default theme comment box. How do I remove it?

    Here is a page

    How to Tell if You Can Grow a Beard


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @Thestyledare1,

    Please create a new ticket and we will check it help you. Don't put reply to tickets of other people because they will get notice email from your replysmile.png

    Best Regards,
