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  Public Ticket #1804163
Slow site on docker


  • etjallings started the conversation

    I tested a lot of caching plugins including w3 with the advicesd settings and autooptimize. But the website stays very slow and uses a lot of cpu power of my docker container. Only when i disable the penci framework pluign the site is fast. I also disabled all other plugins with penci framework activated, but does not help. So the cause is in the penci framework. 

    Please advice on how to fix this.

  •  501
    Penci replied


    Please check this guildeto know how to optimized speed on your site.

    If it not work, please send me your website management information( admin url site, username and  password )  . I will check it help you.

    Best Regards,


  • etjallings replied

    Thanks, caching did not help. So my webhost has done some investigation. The problem is the amount of db querys the theme makes with the single post. On a high traffic site thats not good. On the forums i found a way to disable post view count fucntion., can you please make something in the theme source code to disable it from admin?

    The other cause is the related posts option, i want to disable this completely to save db querys and load, please explain how to do that. Please also make a option to disable it from the admin.

    Its a great theme but not optimized fot high traffic sites, would be nice if you guys can improve that.

  •  501
    Penci replied


    Thank you for your all feedback.

    If you want disable  related post, please go to Customize > Single Post Options, then scrolldown  and check "Hide Related Posts Box" option.

    About post count view, unfortunately, currently this theme doesn't support disable post countview. I will add more this featured ( Disable post counr view  ) to next update version of PenNews. You can try use post count view with ajax. Please go to Customize > Single Post Options, then scrolldown  and check "Enable ajax Post View Count" option to to that.

    Best Regards,


  • caparros07 replied

    I've been using this Theme for several months and the problem with Penci framework overloading CPU, virtual and physical memory is completly new, yoyu guys have to investigate, is bad answer tell me i have to pay again support when i have already learned to manage the theme and this is a  new bug or error or whatever (i reported this from Envato comments a few days ago). It's enough 1 people navigating to cause overloads, error 500 and/or very slow down the site. Guys i'm having troubles with my customer, it's your responsability to fix this. Check it by yourself, just try to run a Google Pagespeed Insights and you shut down the site for several seconds and get a "backend error" as result

  • caparros07 replied

    Check www.lamañ and see. As etjallings I've tested plugin by plugin and the problem comes from Penci Plugin, it seems like a php bucle or similar 

  • caparros07 replied

    Pleasr check this screenshot of my cpanel with no visitors, everyone sleeping here, just me navigsting 3 posts consecutively

  • caparros07 replied

    Please see this error_log file

  •  501
    Penci replied


    Thank for your all feedback

    With issue 500, please  use the Classic Editor plugin .

    We are checking theme with wordpress 5.0. I will release the latest version as soon as possible.

    About memory, please send me your website management information ( admin url site, username and password ). I will check it help you.

    Best Regards,


  • caparros07 replied

    Hi, this issues i describe are with previous Wordpress version. I won't update to 5 until you release a compatible version. Please can you give an email to send my mangement information? My support has just ended in the same moment this issues begun

  •  501
    Penci replied


    My email is [email protected]

    Best Regards,
