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  Public Ticket #1812361
WP5.0 Update messed up lazy load.


  •  4
    Dagalidis Dimitris started the conversation

    After Updating to latest WP 5.0 all working ok (I use old editor), but now all images using lazy load and is very very annoying.

    I enable - disable the option through Control Panel but has no affect.

    When I make some tests in I have nice speeds but as you see all images are loading in a batch together at the end.


    On GTMetrix you can see what I saw every time you refresh the page..

    I see empty images for 2-3 secs before render correctly, and the biggest problem is on mobile devices


    Is there any trick I have to do and make images render in real time like they did before I made this Fucking Update to WP 5.0 ?

    I know that your will proceed in a few days on Update to your Theme, but if you can advice us a patch earlier that will be Just AWESOME.

    Thank in advance for your time and help.

    Dimitris .....

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, It look a bit annoying for lazyload images. Seem has something caused the issues.

    Have you tried deactivate all plugins ( except plugins come from the theme and try it again )? Because as I checked your site, all the markup is correct. So, I think you have some javascript from a plugin affect to javascript from lazyload and it caused that issues.

    Best Regards,


  •  4
    Dagalidis Dimitris replied

    Just Disabled for test WP Fastest Cache and Fast Velocity Minify plugins and nothing changed.

    I will disable all other plugins late the Night during low traffic hours and see what happens.

    But this issue occurred after the update to WP 5.0, because all was ok before the Update.

    Thanks !!

    I will keep you informed in any case...

  •  4
    Dagalidis Dimitris replied

    I found that also messed up some post Styles...

    Look here =>

    All images are rounded with yellow outlines and not stretched to fit but scrolling

    This is far way a disaster to theme...

    Is it possible to reverse back to WP 4.9 ?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I see everything displayed fine:

    Best Regards,


  •  4
    Dagalidis Dimitris replied

    Yeah, false Alarm my friend.

    I was enabled by accident the option in Smush Plugin to show me the images that have wrong Size in placeholders, and those yellow lines was Visible only in my Screen, indicating Wrong Size....  


  •  4
    Dagalidis Dimitris replied

    Finally I ended with RollBack το 4.9.8 Version, and all now are smooth as was before the upgrade to WP 5.0 Shit....

    Notice to all readers.....

    Don't proceed to WP 5.0 Update yet.

    Is tooooo Buggy and you will end with many problems.

    I was Rollback from 5.0 back to 4.9.8 using the Downgrade | Specific Core Version plugin.

    Just remember to take Database Backup and Folders Backups before downgrade, just in case you have problems after.

    My downgrade was smooth and without any issues so far.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for your sharing.

    As we're working on testing the theme with Wordpress 5.0 - we can see much javascript included in this next version - that version is very bad like I think.. Don't think that Wordpress can release a new update like so..

    Seem that extra javascript caused issues with lazyload images - make it doesn't smooth... We will find more about this..

    Best Regards,


  • usernameMi replied

    Thank you from the public, Dimitris !

    (and Penci team too)

    I've had a problem with TinyMCE not loading in wpForo after upgrading to WP 5.0, it was related to this kind of bugs after upgrading too fast. Reading your counsel here, I downgraded to 4.9.8 and everything is fine now.

    Thanx again and have a nice day !

  •  4
    Dagalidis Dimitris replied

    Thank you PenciDesign....

    Your support and your Themes are ready Awesome.

    I highly recommend your themes to all WP owners.

    Because not only you make a fantastic job with your themes, but your support is really so good that is hard to find it anywhere else.

    We will keep in touch, and if we find any other problems or if we have any suggestions, we will inform you ASAP.

    I will remain at 4.9.8 WP version until you tell us that is ok to proceed in Update to 5.0.

    Right now WP 5.0 is a fail from my point of view...


  •  4
    Dagalidis Dimitris replied

    I have to inform you that currently updated to the latest 5.0.2 Version of WP, and running without any issues any more.

    Also I think that the latest version of PenNews theme is the reason that all run flawlessly and thanks for this all Devs here. 


  • David Garcia replied

    Is it possible to Rollback PenNews Theme or Demo?

  •  501
    Penci replied

    Hi David Garcia,

    I'm not clear about the question. please tell me about the question.

    Best Regards,
