I use the "Latest posts" on the beginning of my blog. In my case it is renamed to "Zuletzt gekocht". I would like to change the visuel setup of this. With all the other categories it is very easy to do so in the individuel category setups. Where do I find this possibility for the "Latest posts" ?
sorry to say but life would be really easier if you would also really read the tickets.
I was not asking for changing the whole blog layout - I was asking for a possibility to change JUST the "Latest post" layout. As it is possible for all the other categories ...
Of course I have tried it. But it is - as I wrote again - not the answer I was asking for.
I try to be even more clear with my question:
In picture 1 you can see my actual layout. As I wrote there is the latest post on top.
In picture 2 you can see the categories I show on my mainpage below the "latest posts" with even 2 different layouts as I have written.
This layouts for each categorie I can change in the category section (picture 3 with "Select Featured Layout for magazine layout).
To come back to my question: Is there somewhere the possibility to change the layout of JUST the "latest posts" on my mainpage ?
The answer you where giving me was about the layout of the whole homepage. I need just for the "Latest posts" layout.
I hope my problem was clear now. It is really difficult for me to understand why it is so hard to understand. Since the theme is giving so much possibilities to change things I cannot believe that this easy fix is not possible.
Yeah, you need to go to Customize > General Options > Homepage Layout to change layout for that "Latest Posts"
Also, check to Customize > Homepage Options > "Enable Featured Categories for All Layouts - Not for Magazine Layouts Only" to make all layouts you changed via General Options > Homepage Layout doesn't affect to your featured categories.
I use the "Latest posts" on the beginning of my blog. In my case it is renamed to "Zuletzt gekocht". I would like to change the visuel setup of this. With all the other categories it is very easy to do so in the individuel category setups. Where do I find this possibility for the "Latest posts" ?
thanks, Alex
Please check option for change layout for latest posts via Customize > General Options > Homepage Layout
Best Regards,
sorry to say but life would be really easier if you would also really read the tickets.
I was not asking for changing the whole blog layout - I was asking for a possibility to change JUST the "Latest post" layout. As it is possible for all the other categories ...
Hope you understand my need, br - Alex
Of course I've read it
Have you try like I said?
Best Regards,
Of course I have tried it. But it is - as I wrote again - not the answer I was asking for.
I try to be even more clear with my question:
In picture 1 you can see my actual layout. As I wrote there is the latest post on top.
In picture 2 you can see the categories I show on my mainpage below the "latest posts" with even 2 different layouts as I have written.
This layouts for each categorie I can change in the category section (picture 3 with "Select Featured Layout for magazine layout).
To come back to my question: Is there somewhere the possibility to change the layout of JUST the "latest posts" on my mainpage ?
The answer you where giving me was about the layout of the whole homepage. I need just for the "Latest posts" layout.
I hope my problem was clear now. It is really difficult for me to understand why it is so hard to understand. Since the theme is giving so much possibilities to change things I cannot believe that this easy fix is not possible.
br, Alex
Yeah, you need to go to Customize > General Options > Homepage Layout to change layout for that "Latest Posts"
Also, check to Customize > Homepage Options > "Enable Featured Categories for All Layouts - Not for Magazine Layouts Only" to make all layouts you changed via General Options > Homepage Layout doesn't affect to your featured categories.
Best Regards,
so finally this was THE very important information to "Enable Featured Categories for All Layouts - Not for Magazine Layouts Only".
Now I understand what you meant with the homepage layout - but without this information there was not the change I needed.
So thanks for the answer - we can close now this Post.
br, Alex