1. I have been able to change all the colors except the colors of the labels of the post on the homepage. How can I do it?
2. I have made all the translations through quick translation but I can not translate the widget MailChimp Sign-Up, where it shows in English "Subscribe my Newsletter for new blog posts, tips & new photos. Let's stay updated!" How can I make it in Spanish?
1. I have been able to change all the colors except the colors of the labels of the post on the homepage. How can I do it?
2. I have made all the translations through quick translation but I can not translate the widget MailChimp Sign-Up, where it shows in English "Subscribe my Newsletter for new blog posts, tips & new photos. Let's stay updated!" How can I make it in Spanish?
1/ Please check options for it via Customize > Colors for Other Layout Options
2/ Please change it via Dashboard > MailChimp for WP > Form - check this image: http://prntscr.com/lua4iw
Best Regards,