I'm loving Soledad! I set the favicon before installing the theme, using the default path customize > site identity. After installing Soledad, I decided to change the favicon using the theme path customize > general options. The favicon is replaced in the control pane, but, on publishing, does not change in the tab. I thought it was a caching problem, but purging both the wp and browser caches does not change the problem. Could it be that the new theme customization is unable to rewrite the favicon?
Yeah, the favicon has been cached by browser itself and you need to wait a time to browser clearly it. That's normalSome time, it need about ~1 month to make new favicon updated.
I'm loving Soledad! I set the favicon before installing the theme, using the default path customize > site identity. After installing Soledad, I decided to change the favicon using the theme path customize > general options. The favicon is replaced in the control pane, but, on publishing, does not change in the tab. I thought it was a caching problem, but purging both the wp and browser caches does not change the problem. Could it be that the new theme customization is unable to rewrite the favicon?
Thank you for loving our theme.
Yeah, the favicon has been cached by browser itself and you need to wait a time to browser clearly it. That's normal
Some time, it need about ~1 month to make new favicon updated.
Just need to wait, we can't do anything here.
Best Regards,