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  Public Ticket #1890229
Custon CSS for posts and Gallery problems


  • nallenspach started the conversation

    So far I am enjoying the theme, but I have 3 doubts:

    1) How can I custom CSS of a specific set of posts? I use a plugin to create events ( and I would like that, only in these event posts, the featured image and the post publication date were hiden.

    I was not able to hide this elements not even post by post (as in the code below)

    .post-9188 .post-image {
    display: none; 

    2) The website already has several galleries set up and most of them became a mess after activation of the theme (please check attached pdf). In some cases (but not all galleries) the photos are overlapping. I suppose the problem occours because there are images that contain links inside the caption. Is there a solution? 

    3) By hovering over an image in the gallery what appears is the image alt text. How do I get the image caption insted? 

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for loving our theme.

    1/ Please show me an URL for event posts, I can give you a custom css to do that.

    2 & 3/ Maybe you've use gallery from old theme or from a plugin. Please try disable gallery feature from the theme via Customize > Single Options > Disable Gallery Feature from This Theme

    Best Regards,


  • nallenspach replied


    1) URL for event posts example:

    2) After disabling Gallery Feature, the galleries are working again, but in the old theme format (I believe it is the default wp gallery format, please check the attached PDF). But one of the reasons I purchased Soledad theme is that I really wanted  to upgrade the galleries. How can I make old galleries work on Soledad theme?

  • nallenspach replied

    Only one addendum: most galleries are working beautifully with the Soledad theme (I just wish hovering would show the caption instead of the ALT text).

    Apparently only the galleries that contain images with links in the captions that are weird.

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    I can't view your site..

    Seem your site is under construction mode. Please check it again.

    Best Regards,


  • nallenspach replied

    Yes, I do not want readers to see it with these errors ...

    I just turned off maintenance mode, you'll be able to open the website now.

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    body.single-event .post-image{ display: none; }

    2/ Can you show me URL for gallery issues?

    Best Regards,


  • nallenspach replied

    1) Thanks!!!! It worked! 

    2) This is an example of gallery that is working fine (except for the "caption X alt-text" issue when hovering):

    This is an example of gallery that is a mess:

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    Please try check to Customize > Single Post Options > Hide Images Title on Galleries from The Theme to fixed both issues.

    Best Regards,


  • nallenspach replied

    I did not notice any change.

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me your admin url and admin account ( username and password ) - in a private reply. I will take it a look on this.

    Best Regards,


  •   nallenspach replied privately
  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    Your site doesn't allow me to edit the theme via Editor:

    Can you send me your FTP account ( FTP host, FTP username, FTP password ) or your hosting account ? I will fix it help you.

    Best Regards,


  •   nallenspach replied privately
  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   nallenspach replied privately
  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    I've fixed it help you. We will add more this fixed in the next update version of Soledad. No worries.

    Best Regards,


  • nallenspach replied

    Thank you, the galleries look beautiful again. But there are still two problems:

    1) Captions have completely disappeared! Photos captions do not appear even when the photos are viewed individually.

    2) When hovering over the photos in the gallery, the ALT text will appear instead of the caption.

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    I've fixed it help you, sorry about this. Because the title of the images when you zoom will based on the title when you hover on the images ( you've requirement remove it ) - so it won't be display there.

    Best Regards,


  • nallenspach replied

    Sorry, but we have a communication problem here. I never asked to remove anything.

    The last modification you did made the galleries worse. Just check what happened to this one, for example:

    I just want the galleries to look like the sample galleries that are in the Soledad demo. Just it. I want the captions to be show when the images are viewed individually/zoomed

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    Please check it againsmile.pngI just clearly the cache.

    Best Regards,


  • nallenspach replied

    Thaaaank you!!! Love it!!!!