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  Public Ticket #1904720
increase blog feed on home page


  • Galina started the conversation


    I would like to increase the number of 'latest post' on the home page - at the moment I only have 6 but I would like to have 10 - how do I do this? I tried already looking in the 'customize section' but perhaps I can't find it? 

    And do you have a 'jump to recipe' feature that I can add to the beginning of my recipes so people can jump straight to the recipe? 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ We've said about this in the documentation for Soledad here - please check it. 

    2/ Sorry this theme doesn't support this feature.

    Best Regards,


  •   Galina replied privately
  • Galina replied

    Ah I have unticked the box 'Remove Posts Excerpt for Featured Categories in Magazine Layouts' and it worked. All good Many thanks 

  •   Galina replied privately
  •   PenciDesign replied privately