I already tried every method described in that article before, I did do my own research.
I've checked pretty much every piece of code, disabled plugins etc, did all the basic troubleshooting and more before I came here for help.
So I will be asking the question differently:
Is there anything in PenNews, that restricts iFrame's from having their height attribute working properly. If i set the height to lets say 800, it still doesn't get any longer than the end of the page. That being said, adding a new block underneath the HTML block where you add your <div> & <iframe> does not resolve the issue, since I thought that might be the problem.
Please answer me on this question and do not redirect me to a page found in 10 seconds via a Google search.
I was able to fix it myself, the problem was rooted in theme's general CSS. Also, this kind of service is deplorable and i regret having paid for a product that specified professional support yet after searching this online support forum and my personal experience I have to say that that was a lie.
This iFrame doesn't change the height whatsoever. Giving it fixed pixel numbers or changing it to a 100%, nothing seems to work.
This seems to be a general problem as it is not the first time dimensions of iFrames are not responding to the set paramaters.
Thank you for your help.
Please check this guide to know responsive Iframes.
If you want add custom css, please go to Customize > Addtional CSS then add custom css you want.
Best Regards,
I already tried every method described in that article before, I did do my own research.
I've checked pretty much every piece of code, disabled plugins etc, did all the basic troubleshooting and more before I came here for help.
So I will be asking the question differently:
Is there anything in PenNews, that restricts iFrame's from having their height attribute working properly. If i set the height to lets say 800, it still doesn't get any longer than the end of the page. That being said, adding a new block underneath the HTML block where you add your <div> & <iframe> does not resolve the issue, since I thought that might be the problem.
Please answer me on this question and do not redirect me to a page found in 10 seconds via a Google search.
Thank you.
Please send me:
- Iframe code you use on your site
- Your website management information ( admin url site, username and password ).
- Your FTP account ( FTP host, FTP username, FTP password ) or your hosting account.
And we will take it a look on this help you.
Best Regards,
I was able to fix it myself, the problem was rooted in theme's general CSS. Also, this kind of service is deplorable and i regret having paid for a product that specified professional support yet after searching this online support forum and my personal experience I have to say that that was a lie.
Topic closed.