If I pick "Popular post in one week" - what exactly does that mean? It seems to me that the widget just picks the most popular for all time no matter what I chose here.
The popular posts for week will reset the posts view week for each 7days, so it just can count the most viewed posts of current 7 days from the day data post view reset - it can't display the popular posts for last week
If I pick "Popular post in one week" - what exactly does that mean? It seems to me that the widget just picks the most popular for all time no matter what I chose here.
Popular post in one week will show post with highest number of views in 1 week.
Please check screenshot http://prntscr.com/muvnrs, http://prntscr.com/muvnw0
Best Regards,
Not sure I completely understand that (and the content of my widget doesn't change no matter which most-read list I pick).
So on articles there's a call to this:
Will this populate three different meta_keys in the database? And it will reset the week and month every time we have a new week/month?
The popular posts for week will reset the posts view week for each 7days, so it just can count the most viewed posts of current 7 days from the day data post view reset - it can't display the popular posts for last week
When you edit post you will see Post Views Count ( http://prntscr.com/mvb5zr )
Query order with post meta : http://prntscr.com/mvb6v6
Best Regards,