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  Public Ticket #1925805
categories displayed in parent order, not alphabetically


  • shemakesmetravel started the conversation

    Dear support team.

    I've already set up my main categories and (nested) subcategories for posts.

    I want them to be displayed in posts, which they are, but only in alphabetical order. I prefer to display categories as "parent dependent". For example

    Travel (main category)

      - Europe (subcategory, parent is Travel)

        - - Italy (subcategory, parent is Europe)

    Hence I want to have displayed those categories in the post in following order: Travel - Europe - Italy and not alphabetically as they are displaying now i.e. Europe - Italy - Travel.

    How can I achieve this behavior?

    Thank you in advance, regards


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Unfortunately, this theme doesn't support this feature.

    As I know, no any theme supports for this feature...

    Best Regards,
