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  Public Ticket #1928774
Slider Dimensions


  • belovegiftshop started the conversation

    I feel like no matter what I try, my homepage slider images keep getting cut off. Right now, the first slide is most noticeably cut off. Please let me know how I can resolve this. Thank you!

  • belovegiftshop replied

    Oops, website address:

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to fixed it:

    .pencislider-item .penci-image-holder { height: auto !important; }
    .pencislider-item .penci-image-holder:before {
        content: '' !important;
        padding-top: 41.66667% !important;

    Note Important:

    1/ You need to use all images on your Penci Slider as the same size. Example: All images has a size 1920x800 px for example. You can use this site to crop/resize your image before upload it to your site.

    2/ Change value 41.66667 on the above code to the value you want.

    Example: if you want to use images on your slider with the size: 1600 x 700 for example - you need to change value 41.66667 to:

    ( height / width ) * 100  =  ( 700 / 1600 ) * 100   = 43.75

    Hope this help,

    Best Regards,
