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  Public Ticket #1932603
blog layout/appearance


  • MTRIPPER started the conversation

    Hi, there! For no reason in particular, my blog soledad layout completely changed. For example, the sidebar at the main pange and blog post is not on the right side anymore (as it used to be). Instead, its showing under the whole article, with a blank space on the left. The positions are all strange and messy. Can you help me get it back to what it used to be? Thanks!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We've fixed this issue long time ago.

    You can do following steps here to fixed it:

    1/ Do following like on this image

    2/ Go to Appearance > Themes > and click to "Update Now" on Soledad theme to re-update the theme.

    Clearly all the cache and check it againsmile.png The issues will gone.

    We're sorry for this inconvenience.

    Best Regards,


  • MTRIPPER replied

    Thank you!