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  Public Ticket #1935735
mobile usability


  • missfootloose started the conversation

    The Soledad theme is said to have 100% mobile usability, but I just received a message from Google Search Console saying there are 3 issues with mobile usability:

    <<  Search Console has identified that your site is affected by 3 new issues of type Mobile Usability.

    Top Issues (5 maximum)

    The following issues were found on your site:

    • Content wider than screen
    • Clickable elements too close together
    • Text too small to read  >>

    There is a link to click to fix the issue.

    Why do I have issues if Soledad is 100% mobile responsive? What should I do?

    Thank you for your help.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Mobile responsive is different with mobile usability. 

    For your issues:

    1/ Content wider than screen:

    The issues appears when you need to scroll to left & right to see the content on your site - and I didn't see that on your site on mobile. ( I've checked this issue in 2 different phones )

    2/ About Clickable elements too close together:

    I’ve heard about others getting the same messages before, but it’s difficult for us to do anything if we don’t know exactly what elements they refer to. In general, you can ignore messages like that if you don’t actually think there are any usability problems on your site yourself. Try to go through the pages and click on all the links; are any of them to close together? If so then please point them out to us and we’ll give you some code to use.

    3/ Seem this issue caused by categories here is small to read, let's try increase that by add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 479px){
    .cat > a.penci-cat-name, .penci-grid li .item .cat a, .penci-masonry .item-masonry .cat a {
        font-size: 14px;

    Best Regards,
