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  Public Ticket #1938872
Widget Heading like Flower & Blog theme


  •  8
    sprysparrow started the conversation


    I'd like to change my widget headings (Gardening theme) to the one that's shown in the Flower & Blog theme. It's like this:   --------   title   ----------

    Though there are several, I don't see that option in the widget heading styles.

    Thank you so much!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    That's Widget Heading Title style 4 - you can select it via Customize > Options & Colors for Sidebar.

    Maybe you need to change the colors for "Sidebar Widget Heading Border Color" to make 2 lines around the title appears ( some case that border color has same color with background, so you can't see it )

    Best Regards,


  •  8
    sprysparrow replied

    You were right! I simply needed to change the color to make it visible.

    Thanks so much for your excellent and awesome support! 

    I'm soooooo glad I chose Penci for my template.
